Tuesday, 24 April 2012

WIP Clean up playblast mime

Clean Up list

00:03: adjust the motion of the right hand – too slow/ add an arc

00:04: Jake pops into walk cycle, need a few key frames and slow down the walk slightly

00:16: right hand flips out needs closer

00:15: flips a little to fast

00:19-00:20 : left hand moves down too fast

00:20 – 00:27: shoulders are too rigid, they need more dimension in the movement, some micro anticipation

00:28:Jake's left hand/arm moves too far back, it needs bringing forward

00:02: push isn’t clear, it needs less time more impact and it looks to floaty for the character

00:40: arm vector moves around too much, it needs holding in one place.

00:39-00:41: body pops out when looking to the right, i needs a pause in between the looking over shoulder.

00:50-00:53: poses are a little obscure, need retouching to be more believable, although it does work with the timing. Right hand pose is unnatural, needs to be put into right pose.

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