Thursday, 12 January 2012

The cook: animatic

I've drawn out the sequence and cut a few poses out to create the animatic of the the cook, I couldn't really decide on a suitable ending, I at first i thought he could just fiddle with the beaker a little, or perhaps the hand blender could get jammed in the beaker casuing the niose which is what the second last image illustrates. But then I thought that the idea was a little to dull for an animation and would leave the audience uninterested in the animation. I have to renember that although this was ment to show my animation skills, aniamting a presenter I would also have to be slightly interesting to watch. So I added an extra ending to the sequence were our main character the chief has the beaker in his hand and th ehand blender is moving out of conrol, hes also a little unsure of what to so but tries to maintain the sutuation while live on TV.

Another idea i had was that the chief put the hand blender on the table and started stiring a meal i the bowl, as hes stiring and talking to the audience the hand blender begins to move knocking the objects on the table. But I think the idea may distract the audiences attention, on the otherhand, the handblender spiraling out of control could a an action for the cheif to react to, acting out his emotions in strong poses.

Not much time left til the deadline so I shall have to get a move on with the animation.

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