Saturday, 18 February 2012

Monstre à Paris: Monster in paris

Had a trip to the local cinema to see Monsters in Paris. The film has had very positive reviews for its original storyline and, honestly, I couldn't agree more. A giant, mutated, musically gifted, singing  flea roaming the streets of Paris? and just look at the characters, so appealing,

A Monster in Paris

The only flaw for me is the overuse of characters and too many plotlines happening at once. At the climax of the movie when the villain shoots the flea, I completely lost empathy because the film had all the characters overcoming obsticales all at the same time. I also thought the film was too balance in terms of importance of the characters, the film immediately opens with a protagonist (A movie projectionist) in a dream sequence, which I think describes to the audience as it did to me that this is who the film is going to be about, this is the protagonist, but 30-40 minutes into the film, we are introduced to two other characters who all have and share equivalent screen time to the which kind of makes the film feel like a television series.

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