Thursday, 16 February 2012

rehersals/reference shoot

Today we did the reherseals and reference shoot for the mime scene, we had the green screen booked for 10 in the morning, quite an early start.We didn't really start til around 10:30 when Harshali arrived (I was worried nobody would turn up!) but we managed to to produce quite a few takes on our idea with just the two of us.  We switched and did a few takes of each others characters and some for Alper's mime too, then later in the day joined Rachael, Rachael and Raf's group to help out and share ideas.

. I wanted to try out a few of the ideas I had for my character, the actions for the first part are the same: walk - pose - box of chocolates - munch munch- walk forward - bang into wall, but the second section I wanted to try out two reactions to the wall. First was a bounce back, where Jake (my character) would bounce off the wall then acknowledge the "obstacle" which is the wall in mime.

The second Jake was to take a tumble onto the ground from the rebound, get back up then touch the wall, just add that slapstick-comedy factor I thought it would be best to take advantage of the green screen session to experiment with these ideas and see which could work and which wont. I think watching back the footage that both ideas could possibly work, but I need to exaggerate the facial expressions more in my acting, I think my scene will work better after watching the feedback if I show a transition from confident & happy to embarrassed and sad, I'll have to try this in the next session.

This was the sequence I used for reference of slapstick comedy for the section of the animation, of course the tricky part was the fact that my wall wasn't real so we had to improvise aha.

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