Wednesday 7 March 2012

Camera Script

Today we sat and discussed more about the female character in the scene. We wanted the ideas clear on the girl before the reference shoot tomorrow, we discussed her phases, reaction to the characters and gestures she would make, even though she's off camera we needed to plan out exactly what the character was thinking, her actions would affect the camera movements and reactions of the mimes.

We needed someone to read the script as the character for the reference shoot tomorrow, this would help us act out the reactions of the character. We also have to be aware of timing as in our previous reference shoots we've gone over the 30 mark for each mime. During the meeting typed up a script of her dialogue, actions and reactions to the mimes as guidance:

Camera Profile/script

Beach Babe Female character dialog:
Dialog/timing                              Reaction to                         Action

Beach Babe: “UGH”                               reaction to whistle

Harshali’s mime: Andrew

00:0014 – “What are you doing?                                              Surprised/unwanted (wtf)

“ouch!”                                         Hitting the glass

00:00:25 “ugh, NOOO”                           Reaction to the flower                 Disgust

my mime:  Jake

00:00:42 “Are you kidding?”                            strokes his hair back  

00:00:57 “uh oh”                               bang against glass/hands on face                    
00:01:07 “what was that?”/”seriously?”                  Jake walking off set

Alper mime: bob
00:01:18 “Mmmmm”                            Bob flexing                             Impressed

0:01:42 – undecided                            giving the gifts                        Totally impressed
“AWWW so sweet”

We have officially tagged the girl as "beach babe" for the time being,  we've also decided to change some of the ideas around for the characters as this would work better for the scene. Originally my character, the vain cool type,  would after presenting his gift bang into the wall humiliating himself in front of the girl, but we decided that possibly Harshali''s character should perform the action to establish the wall at the beginning of the scene. We didnt want to use the same gag twice in the scene, my character would not be aware of the wall but the audience is so it wouldn't work for my character to bang into he wall too. 

Instead my character could stop and react to the wall with a suggestion James made last week (James the actor from the green screen session last week) to move across the wall, this would add a comedic factor to my character, who is quite obviously full of himself. We emailed Siobhan regarding this idea so we shall see how the session goes tomorrow.

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