Friday 9 March 2012

Intro reference/sketches - eating ice cream

Working on the introduction today with the group we talked about a few of the actions our characters are doing for the introduction scene. Harshali character is the leading character who whistles at the lady starting off our animation. So I went searching and found quite a few differnet gestures people use to eat iceream, I was looking over my refence clip (for reference) and found myself doing the same action over and over, people just dont eat ice cream this way. So I started observing a few youtube clips of commercials and people generally eating ice cream.

I've combined these with my own refence shot to come up with a few poses for the introduction scene, my character is stood further in the back as we planned out in the animatic. I sketched up a few gestures he could make in the introduction scene, I need more practice with maya so I've blocked out the poses using the norman rig, just a little practice.

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