Thursday 15 March 2012

Life drawing: babies

I took an hour out today and past two days to do a few observational sketches for the summer project this year, I had a few ideas in mind but I think I want the main character to be a baby or child-like character. I was inspired by Ed hooks, he made a very interesting point in the recent acting for animators newsletter and throughout the Animex workshop about babies, how little experience and knowledge they have. A baby has one goal when born which is to survive, learning becomes the action babies (or young children) act upon to meet this objective. I think we empathise with this objective as we've all exsperienced this situation before, we've all been young, helpless and I think it would be an interesting challenge to animate a child-like character.

The Sketches are from a few baby photo advertisements of babies using charcoal and graphite, looking into the proportions and "cute" poses for ideas for design ideas.

This sketch id from a baby model off youtube form Lon Harverly "you can draw" series, he talks a little about head proportions in the first part but more about drawing technique.

You can find more of Sketches from TV series "You Can Draw!" by Lon Haverly

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